Workflow Automations for Web3
Radically reduce your time to market and cost of operations by automating day-to-day Web3 tasks
Design and deployA simple, template driven approach to building Web3 workflows that read and write between on and off-chain data sources, and instantly trigger processes or alerts.
Monitor the balance on a specific wallet, and each time it falls below a given threshold initiate a fund transfer request from a pre-connected Operations wallet to top it off.
Create custom functionsLaunch custom code in hours rather than days/weeks/months
Whether you’re a DeFi trader, a Web2 enterprise, or a Web3 developer, our platform empowers you to automate day-to-day operations and focus instead on innovation.
With common Web3 primitives across multiple blockchains
With significantly lower costs and enhanced Web3 scalability
And leave basic blockchain dev tasks and operations to us
By interoperating with any public or private chain or adding custom functions
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